A social enterprise addresses the water problem in the coastal areas of Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, over 20 million of the country’s population in coastal rural areas have no access to safe drinking water. The water issues that constantly affect the communities include arsenic contamination of groundwater, salinity issue caused by climate change, water-borne diseases, and having to spend considerable time fetching water from ponds in distant areas. In the coastal areas of Bangladesh, the annual average rainfall is more than 2000mm and further, the rainwater is free from arsenic, iron, salinity, and less contamination of germs than pond water. A survey conducted by the Institute of Sky Water harvesting in 2011 in coastal areas of Bangladesh found that the average expenditure on medical expenses to treat water borne diseases and for buying water including transportation was close to 3000Tk. It also meant that if brought a tank for 3000 Tk, they could reduce their overall household costs for water and medical treatment. The Institute of Sky Water Harvestin...